I have no dial tone (Sipura 2000 / 2002)
I have no dial tone
Please follow the steps below:
A Can you access the configuration screen?
YES Go to B
1. The adapter is not connected properly to the network
Make sure you connected a network cable from any of the available ports of your router or modem to the internet port
2. The adapter is not in the same network as the PC (IP address configuration)
a Determine if you have DHCP in your network.
Connect a phone to the adapter and dial **** then 110#
If the IP address is then there is no DHCP in the network.
b Find out the IP address of your PC running the ipconfig/all command from the command prompt
c Connect a phone to the adapter and dial **** then 110# The IVR will tell you the IP address.
d Compare that both IP addresses belong to the same network
Note. Once you access the adapter, go to the system tab and change the DHCP option to NO and configure the IP manually.
B Is the sip adapter registered in our Sip Proxy?
1. Check the telephone cable and the phone connected to the adapter.
2. Make sure you are connecting the phone to the port where the VN is configured.
1. Check that all network cables are connected properly to the router/modem and SIP adapter.
2. Make sure your adapter has access to the internet
3. If this is a new installation, make sure you have the correct VN and password.
4. Refer to our online configuration guide at http://www.inphonex.com/support/phones.php
5. Do you have any other sip adapter of softphone in the same network using ports 5060 or 5061? Please keep in mind that you can not have two devices in the same network using the same port since they block each other.